4 Ways Coronavirus Stress could be Affecting your Sex Life (and what you can do about it)
Coronavirus can stir up all sorts of feelings, like fear, anxiety and stress. Having persistent and high-levels of stress can negatively impact our physical and mental health as well as our sex life. The Mental Health Foundation defines stress as the ‘degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are unmanageable’.
While many people around the world have been wondering if they can continue to have sex, some are finding that coronavirus stress is impacting on their sex life. With this in mind, we’ve covered four of the most common reasons stress may be getting in the way of a healthy sex life. Here’s how to shift from covid stress to captivating climax…
For those not in the mood…
Everyone reacts differently to stress. There are those of us who use sex to unwind and there are those for whom sex can be the last thing on their mind. When we feel stressed, our body produces higher levels of the ‘flight or fight hormone’ cortisol, which can suppress other hormones and make it harder for us to feel in the mood. There are always the exceptions though – for some, sex can be a way to loosen up. So, if you and your partner have very different ways of managing stress, this could be a reason why it affects your sex life.
What we can do: If stress is the third person in your relationship, it needs to go. Effective relaxation techniques, such as daily exercise, meditation or a relaxing bath can help to de-stress you and leave you feeling calmer. Less stress, more sex…
For those having trouble reaching the big O…
Dopamine and Serotonin; two feel-good chemicals that our bodies release when we experience a satisfying orgasm. When we feel stressed, it can be harder to achieve climax as our brains and body are not fully connected to our partner and this can make it harder for our bodies to relax during sex.
What to do: Sex should be fun, not stressful, so try to relax. Lighting some candles or listening to a piece of gentle music may help to set the mood. Take time to explore each other’s bodies through massage, touch or oral sex. Spend time relaxing your body and mind with no pressure and the big O will come naturally…
For those feeling exhausted….
Covid-19 has affected our lives in many ways including changes to our normal routine, social life as well as the way we work and play. With so much stress and change going on, it’s no wonder we feel too exhausted to enjoy sex - especially if we are waiting until 11pm on a weekday to get frisky. Putting pressure on yourself is not the best way to improve your sex life. Instead, focus on things that build intimacy with each other, like spending time cuddling or holding hands.
What to do: Schedule some time to be intimate with each other. Maybe you prefer a mid-afternoon quickie or slow sensual sex on a Sunday morning – when you feel your most relaxed. Take time to focus on connecting with your partner - even a cuddle releases the feel-good hormone Oxytocin. Sex doesn’t have to mean intercourse either – it could be anything from oral sex to a sensual massage. Therefore, if you start prioritising intimacy, you’ll feel happier and more connected with your partner.
Single and stressed?
While dating sites have started adding extra tabs on their websites asking Covid-19 status (had it, have it, haven’t had it yet) – the government advice still remains the same - we have to continue to socially distance from each other and remain alert. This can be difficult if you are single and want to feel sexually satisfied.
What to do: Masturbation is the safest way to have sex at the moment and is a great stress-reliever. Take this time to learn about what your body needs and enjoy spending some time pleasuring yourself. If you’ve started online dating, you may have to swap oral sex for aural sex and use technology to your advantage. When the time comes to meet in person, you’ll already be one step ahead…
Information correct at the time of publishing.