Your Go-To-Guide for Unplanned Sex
After the festive buzz of Christmas and New Year, unplanned sex can be more common. Discover what to do immediately after unplanned sex, the options available for STI Testing and contraception, how to communicate with your partner about safety and tips for maintaining your sexual health moving forward. -
Sex and Astrology: What your Star Sign says About your Condom Choice
Did you know that astrology can guide us in choosing the perfect condom? That’s right, your star sign might just hold the magical key to having a cosmic sexual explosion! In this star sign condom guide - get all the lowdown on the perfect Pasante condom choice for you… -
C-card Scheme: Where to get Condoms after the Scheme
If you’re aged between 13-24, you might have come across the C-card scheme which gives young people the opportunity to access free Pasante condoms, lubricants and sexual health advice. Find out why choosing Pasante as your condom choice is a great decision and where to pick up condoms after you move on from the C-card scheme.