STI Awareness and the Importance of Regular Testing
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) affect millions of individuals every year, with the UK Health Security Agency reporting 401,800 diagnoses of new STI’s. Let’s explore why testing for STIs is important, how stigma can impact on sexual health testing, why it’s important to raise awareness and three common STIs. -
Sex Talk: Beyond the Basics
The internet is packed with information on sexual terminology and sex talk, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. Whether you’re trying to understand ‘edging’ or ‘teabagging’ - we’re here to make it simple for you. Here are ten sex words that you may have come across… -
Exploring Sexual Fantasies and Role Play in a Healthy Relationship
Exploring sexual fantasies and sexual role play can add excitement and increase intimacy and connection in relationships. Let’s explore what is a sexual fantasy and what is a sexual role play whilst discovering some practical tips on how to explore sexual fantasies and role play in your healthy relationship.