7 Reasons to have Sex this Spring
Spring, sunshine and sex: three words that make us smile. With the season of Spring fast approaching and lighter evenings on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your sex-life. With the launch of our smiley condoms - we feel inspired to put a smile back on your face, so if you’ve been making excuses not to have sex (we’ve heard them all) - we have some news for you. Research suggests that engaging in regular sexual activity is good for your health but don’t just take our word for it. Here are 7 reasons why you should have more sex this Spring…
1. Sex reduces stress responses
In a 2006 study published by Biological Psychology, researchers examined the relationship between penile-vaginal intercourse and stress reactivity. Participants were asked to record their daily sexual activity for two weeks before taking part in an stress-inducing task of public speaking. The results indicated that those who recorded penile-vaginal intercourse over the course of two weeks had better stress responses to a 20 minute public speaking task.
The researchers suggest that the reason why penile-vaginal intercourse reduces stress reactivity is that during orgasm the hormone oxytocin is released. This hormone is responsible for bonding with your partner which is known to reduce stress levels. So what better way to reduce stress and smile this Spring than to indulge in some bonding time with your partner using our smiley condoms…
2. Sex burns calories
Want to lose a few pounds? In a study taken by University of Quebec in Montreal, researchers found that during an average 25 minute sex session, men burn approximately 100 calories and women burn 69. From this figure, we can reasonably assume that the longer you have sex, the more calories you burn - check out our delay condoms to keep that smile on your face a little longer….
3. Sex reduces Pain
No more using headaches as an excuse not to have sex - researchers at the University of Munster in Germany studied 800 patients with migraines and 200 of those with cluster headaches to explore whether having sex reduced symptoms of a migraine. The results found that having sex improved symptoms of migraines in 60% of participants. The researchers suggest that while having sex, your body releases endorphins, through the central nervous system, which acts as a natural painkiller. So next time you have a headache this Spring, grab your partner and our smiley condoms … you might be pleasantly surprised.
4. Sex boosts immunity
Let’s face it - all our bodies could do with some extra immunity and we might have just found the perfect way to make this happen. In a study by Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, researchers explored the link between having regular sex and a stronger immune system. Researchers found students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of Immunoglobulin A (antibodies that are found in the immune system).
5. Sex improves sleep
Having trouble getting to sleep this Spring? Research from Central Queensland University in Queensland studied 800 participants to explore the link between sex and sleep quality. The study found a staggering 74% of men and 67% of women had better quality sleep if it followed an orgasm. So if you are finding it difficult to sleep, swap the late-night social media scrolling for a satisfying sex session instead with our smiley condoms. For those that are single - masturbation is the next best thing…
6. Sex improves heart health
Sex has been linked to improving heart health for older women. In a 2016 study by Hui Liu and colleagues on sex and cardivascular risk, researchers found that women who had a healthy sexual relationship had improved cardiovascular health. Researchers suggest the reasons behind this could be that women who have a stronger and closer relationship with their partner feel less stressed and are able to enjoy more satisfying orgasms.
7. Sex Improves brain function
In 2013, researchers from the University of Pavia in Italy found that those who engage in regular sex, especially in new relationships had an increase in cranial nerve growth (responsible for mental alertness). Additionally, a study in the UK by Coventry and Oxford University in 2017 found an increase in improved brain function for older adults between 50 and 83 years old when engaging in frequent sexual activity. This just goes to show, sex is good for you whatever the age!