Men’s Health Awareness Month
November; the month of crisp autumnal mornings, impressive firework displays and Movember. This month, you’ll see the world come together to increase awareness of men’s health issues including men’s sexual health, testicular cancer , prostate cancer and men's mental health to promote positive change, prevention and early intervention.
Statistics show that men are more likely to commit suicide with 75% of all suicides in 2018 coming from men, more likely to have a sexually transmitted infection and 1 out of 8 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer, so it’s vital, now more than ever to continue increasing awareness for men’s health issues.
Therefore, in honour of Men’s Health Awareness Month, let’s find out more about why condoms prevent sexually transmitted infections, the different types of STI’s that you could be exposed to, why checking your testicles are important, what your testicles should feel like as well as tips on how to ensure you are checking your testicles correctly.
How do condoms prevent sexually transmitted infections?
There are two primary ways that sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted; through secretions or by skin-to-skin contact. If we (or our partner) have a sexually transmitted infection, the bacteria is released through secretions (either from the urethra or vagina) and is transferred when it hits our genitals, anus or in some cases our throat. Condoms act as a barrier, preventing any sexual fluid from being transferred and reducing the risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection.
As well as reducing exposure to infected secretions, condoms also reduce the chance of catching sexually transmitted infections that can be passed on through skin-to-skin contact, such as the HPV virus or genital herpes. When you wear a condom, the thin layer of natural rubber latex covers up your penis, reducing the risk of exposure to infected genitals or anus. Therefore, in order to look after our sexual health - it’s important to ensure you always have a supply of condoms.
To celebrate Men’s Health Awareness Month, we have a site-wide Black November sale throughout the whole of the month, so there’s no better time to stock up on your favourite condoms.
Sexually transmitted infections that men are at risk of catching
This Men’s Health Awareness month, spend time finding out more about sexually transmitted infections, what the symptoms are and how to keep your penis safe to ensure you look after men’s (and women’s) sexual health. Click on the link to find out more about each STI.
Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
Why checking your testicles are important
Checking your testicles regularly helps detect any abnormalities or changes that may have taken place. If you notice any unusual lumps, bumps or lesions, it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection or something else. The more you check your testicles, the more you become familiar with what is normal for you - so you can notice any changes quicker.
Movember is the month to raise awareness of important health issues, including men's sexual health by growing a moustache throughout the month. One important health issue that gains awareness this month is testicular cancer, a common type of cancer that is found in men aged 15-39. Testicular cancer can be cured 99% of the time if it’s caught early enough.
If you do notice any changes or if you are worried about anything, it’s best to see your doctor as soon as possible.
What should my testicles feel like?
Testicles tend to be the same size, but it's really common for one testicle to be slightly bigger than the other or to hang down lower than the other. Testicles should feel smooth with no lumps or bumps. This men’s health awareness month, become familiar with what your testicles feel like - experts say you should be checking your testicles at least once a month.
How to check your testicles
The best place to check your testicles is in a warm shower, as the heat from the water causes the testicles to hang lower, making it easier to examine them.
- Take a testicle in one hand, placing your middle and index finger under the testicle with your thumb on top.
- Gently and firmly, roll the testicle between the thumb and fingers to look for any abnormalities or lumps, bumps or changes, either on the surface or the texture of the testicle.
- Feel underneath the testicle to find the epididymis that sits at the back of the testicle (it might feel like tightly curled tubes - these are what carry the sperm)